Achievements of the Amulet project

2 min readMay 27, 2023

The Amulet Project has achieved significant milestones in the past 90+ days, and these achievements have contributed to the growth and success of the project. Here are some of the accomplishments that the project has achieved:

1. 1816 #web3 covers sold to date — The Amulet Project has managed to sell 1816 web3 covers to date, which is a significant achievement. This milestone shows that the project has been successful in reaching its target market and generating revenue.

2. 18 posts since launching installer — Since launching the installer, the Amulet Project has produced 18 blog posts. These blog posts have been instrumental in educating the community about the project’s progress and keeping them informed about the latest developments.

3. 3 new blog posts were published this week — The Amulet Project has been consistent in producing quality blog posts, and this week wasn’t any different as three new posts were released. These blog posts covered different topics, ranging from the project’s adoption to web3 security.

4. 1.5 $sol won by the community during poker — One of the most impressive achievements of the Amulet Project is its ability to foster a strong community bond. This was demonstrated during the recent poker tournament where the community won 1.5$sol. This win not only shows that the community is tightly knit, but it also speaks to the project’s growth potential.

In conclusion, the Amulet Project has made significant strides in the past 90+ days. These achievements show that the project is on the right track and has the potential to become one of the most successful projects in the web3 space.

