Kattana.io indicators is working!

Crypto Galleon ⚓️
2 min readMar 24, 2023


Welcome back! 👨🏼Today, we will continue our discussion on the use of indicators on Kattana.io. If you’ve been trading cryptocurrencies for some time, you’ll know that price charts can be extremely volatile. The price may go up one day, down the next, and back up again the day after. So, how can you tell which direction the price is trending?

❤ The answer depends on the time window you’re looking at. However, using crypto indicators, you can plot a moving average that calculates the average price over a specific period. This method tells you where the price is heading in a more accurate way. The moving average, particularly the Simple Moving Average (SMA), smooths out short-term spikes and shows you where the overall price trend is heading.

💎At Kattana.io, we’ve done our best to provide our users with accurate information. By registering with us, you’ll have access to the Simple and Exponential Moving Averages. The latter, the Exponential Moving Average (EMA), is particularly useful when the price movement is not uniform. It places more weight on more recent price trends and can help you spot significant changes in the price movement. The EMA’s calculation also measures how real the perceived change in price movement is, making it quite a powerful tool.

📢So, whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting, Kattana.io has the tools you need to make informed trading decisions. Register today and start trading with confidence!

@kattanatrade #kattanatrade #cex #dex #Crypto @DeXeNetwork 🥷🏼



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